Andi's Experience with her Cow Milk Sensitive Daughter

Every parent’s feeding experience is as unique as their baby. While the journey may be easy for some, others may struggle.Real Parent Storyis a series on our blog where we ask real parents to share their feeding stories. Whether you’re expecting or already have little one, we hope these stories can offer you insight into what worked (or didn’t work) for parents just like you.
Today, we will be sharing a story on how Kabrita helped Andi with her cow milk sensitive daughter, River.
How did you first hear of Kabrita?
An Instagram Ad was posted on my stories advertising the goat milk formula and other products.
Why did your family have a need for goat milk formula?
We discovered that after my daughter had experienced a lot of colic and constipation, she had an intolerance to cows milk. Most formulas are infused with cows milk so we searched for months for a better alternative for her sensitive tummy.
If related to symptoms being experienced by your child, can you describe them? And also describe how drinking Kabrita may have helped with those?
River was experiencing a lot of colic, reflux, weight loss, discomfort, and constipation after we weaned from breastmilk to formula. She has always been a happy baby but we noticed a change in her mood and she became more fussy, she was crying a lot more often and she started to refuse foods.
If related to your need to supplement with or switch to formula, please describe why you chose to do so and why Kabrita seemed like a good solution?
Our pediatrician suggested we try an alternative source of milk but we felt lost. I didn’t want her to go without the necessary nutrients that are found in formula and dairy that are also essential for an infants growth. When I found out about Kabrita, it felt like an answered prayer. Not only was it free of cows milk, it was full of all the nutrients she needed.
How did your child take/transition to Kabrita?
Not only did she love the taste but she immediately started to become a happy baby again and her tummy troubles have improved significantly.
What is your favourite thing about Kabrita Formula?
I love that Kabrita is not only full of all the great things for your baby but they also care about the health and well-being of your child.
Kabrita USA Real Mom/Dad/Practitioner series is for information purposes only. It's not meant to treat, cure, or diagnose any health issues. Before making any feeding changes, it is recommended that you speak with your healthcare professional.